The Group of Belonging

Two people.

  1. It often happens that we have healed important issues in our life and yet we don’t notice any change. A loyalty to the past retains us, more or less consciously.


    For example, we may have had a very close relationship with our siblings and now we don’t dare to disappoint them with our new autonomy. Or this can be the case in relation to our mother or father, or a group of friends, or a group of thought, or a professional group, or if we are female, in relation to solidarity with feminist women, or if we are men, in relation to solidarity with “x” men…, or a former partner, etc.


  1. For much that we try, we are still unable to change a habit, our child does not sleep well or eat, etc. Without being aware of it, a loyalty to a group of belonging, even though we don’t know who it is or who they are, prevents us from figuring out the solution that would really solve the issue.

To heal is to become more autonomous, more independent. In order to achieve this, we need to be able to put up with the guilt we feel for changing or detaching ourselves from certain people.

Through this exercise, we will be able to see that we don’t dare to take our autonomy until that group of belonging heals, and it only heals when we love it the way it is.

The person says to the other “you are me, or you are me with my problem, and I am that group of belonging that I don’t dare to let go.”

It is not necessary to identify what group it is, you will need to test this. Anyhow, on representing it, the person will receive information. That group may consist of 1 person or 200, for instance.

Continue with the exercise until there is healing in the relationship between the two and the person feels free to go towards life.

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