Natural Disasters, Fires, Earthquakes and so on

I propose a meditation that will join all those who are meditating for the victims of these catastrophes.

We collect ourselves.

We join all those who have meditated, are meditating or will meditate about any natural catastrophes.

We offer this meditation to all victims, human beings, animals and nature itself.

We breathe from our heart, as if we had our lungs in our heart.

(About two minutes)

You will start feeling a deep emotion, welcome it and let yourself experience it for two more minutes.

It is possible for the emotion to transform.

Spread it throughout your body and beyond your body.

Say these sentences, slowly, from your heart, without drama, separating them with a long silence every time:

I see your pain
I see the horror
I see the terror
I see the despair
I see the harm I cause with my thoughts, emotions and actions.
I love you

Now we visualise the Earth, black in colour, and gradually turning green, until it becomes a globe of green light.

We hold the image of the Earth as a sphere of green light for about two minutes.

Author: Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, published with her permission and kindness.