Interpreting Our Dreams (NLP)
To understand what a dream wants to tell us.
This exercise is also useful to receive information about any incident (losing one’s keys, a breakdown, an accident, and so on).
Only what you can remember from your dream wants to be identified and listened to.
The recurrent or unpleasant dreams are the ones that want to be interpreted or constellated, depending on the case. The other dreams are like constellations, they do their work without our conscious participation; the less we interfere, the more effective they are.
For that reason, you will need to test with a pendulum, or any other method, whether there is permission or it is appropriate to work on a dream.
1.- Identifying the symbols of the dream
Identify the parts of your dream that have affected you the most, for absurd these might seem. For instance: a sensation, a part of an object, not being able to scream, a person in the dream who looked like someone you know, etc.
At this point, identify also with your pendulum the significant symbols. To start with, select a maximum number of 2 or 3 symbols.
Dreams use symbols, metaphor is their language.
We are going to see here how to read those metaphors.
Even when real people appear in a dream, those people are metaphors of something for you, or else it is not them, but an aspect of them.
2.- Placing the symbols
Write the name of each symbol in a sheet of paper, and arrange these sheets in a semicircle on your right.
The first sheet of paper on the left is for you.
3.- Representing the symbols
Now stand on a symbol, feel it, you are it, feel your body, your mind, your emotions, transformed into that symbol. Ask yourself the following questions, writing down the answers that come to you automatically, without thinking.
- What do I see, hear, feel? When I am this symbol, what do I associate it with?
- What am I for, what is my function? What is this that is happening now for? Jot down the first thing that comes to mind. Ask again “For what?” Until you reach a higher purpose.
- What are my intrinsic qualities?
- Is there any opposition, difference or conflict between any other symbol and me?
- What is the situation in this dream from my point of view as a symbol?
Proceed in the same way with the next symbol.
4.- Dialogue with each symbol
Now you will have a dialogue with each symbol. Put yourself in one of the symbols and ask the following questions to another, and then put yourself in the other one to feel its answer or reaction.
1.- What are my complaints against each of the other symbols? What do I need from each of them?
When the symbol says that some other one is redundant for it: Think well about it, in the end it does serve you for some purpose, find out that purpose.
- If you didn’t exist… I would feel…, it would be…
- If you were different, a little more this, a little less that…, I would be happier because…
- What I value in you is…, I realise I need you because…
5.- The gift
Every symbol will make a present to the others.
- Take the present from each one and integrate it into a part of your body with a deep breath.
- Dream a last episode of the dream, the most free and magical possible episode, in which all symbols love each other, live together and are happy together.
6.- Integrating the message of the dream
Gather all the symbols in your open hands. They see and feel each other.
Bring the palms of your hands closer to each other so that the symbols fuse into one. Observe and enjoy this new symbol.
Surround your hands with your aura, or with your preferred colour, or else send a beam of light from your forehead to your hands.
See the colour, form, weight, and texture of the new symbol; listen to its message and integrate it slowly and deeply into your chest, into every cell in your body, breathing deeply, with your mouth open.