Quantum Constellations Workshop

November 14th - ONLINE

Quantum Constellations are a very powerful modality of Family Constellations where the healing is increased by an attitude of surrender to what is, a connection with the present, gratitude, non judgement and unconditional love.

You may check the time difference here: https://www.zeitverschiebung.net/en

You may check the time difference here: https://www.zeitverschiebung.net/en


At this online workshop we will do the quantum constellations of those who reserve a constellation, and healing systemic exercises for all the participants. At the end everyone will have the opportunity of working on their issue at the same time with the powerful resonance of everyone else present. Every constellation is healing for all participants and those who resonate with them wherever they are, known or unknown.
Facilitated by María Escribano del Moral.
To Join the Course:

To join the course, please send an e-mail to info@newfamcons.com or a whatsapp to María Escribano at +34 635114244, to make sure there are places still available.

Payment will be done via Paypal before the course to the following paypal account: paypal.me/newfamcons (or the e-mail address: info@newfamcons.com. Please note currency conversion charges and other expenses are paid by participants.

Note: The workshop won’t be recorded and no pictures will be taken for the sake of participants’ confidentiality. 

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