We live in a quantum universe, everything is energy, we are energy. Our thoughts, like a pebble thrown into the water, create ripples that affect others. So do our words.
With family constellations, as a tool, or form of intervention, we are directly confronted with the world in its quantum dimension.
Family constellations operate at the quantum level of energy, where the particles (that make up our being and everything around us) behave in ways that defy our sense of logic, showing a reality that breaks our schemes of time and space.
Quantum physicists observe that two particles of energy can be intimately connected, so that any changes made to one will affect the other (what they call quantum entanglement) even if there are thousands of kilometres between them.
Similarly, we observe through family constellations that what any of us do (even say or feel) affects our family members or other people with whom we have some kind of relationship, beyond distance (even people who are on the same level of resonance as us – those people who vibrate with us, even if we don’t know them).
In 2012, a group of scientists at the Institute of Quantum Optics at the University of Vienna discovered that this quantum entanglement between particles could not only defy distance, but also time, when they managed to modify particles of light in an event in the past, from the present.
This is a phenomenon that shows up in family constellations, where we experience that we are connected to our ancestors, even if they are dead, and even if we did not know them in life or cannot consciously identify them.
When we make the decision to release ancestors that we have unconsciously promised to follow in failure or death, out of blind love, taking their place that is not ours, we can see how they feel liberated and grateful, and can finally rest, supporting us on our life path.
Thus, by healing ourselves in the present, we heal the past, which now becomes a source of strength for us, and we heal the new generations to come (for they will no longer carry that burden).
A scientific team led by Dr Pietr Gariaev has been able to discover the wave (energy) nature of the so-called ‘junk DNA’ that makes up 98-99% of DNA.
Gariaev has discovered that DNA molecules contain metals, which gives them the nature of an antenna, and that they actually receive and emit information in the form of electromagnetic waves, information necessary for the development of cells and living beings, without which malformations occur.
This discovery fits in with British scientist Rupert Sheldrake’s hypothesis about morphogenetic fields (large energetic memory fields that contain, and transmit to different species, organisms and cells, the information they need to develop, and also receive information from them, and are constantly evolving; an example of a morphogenetic field is the family system) and morphic fields. The latter are also fields, or memory clouds, which are created when a critical mass of people experience something specific and the same: emotion, experience, beliefs…, attracting more people who go through the same thing, leading them to organise their lives in such a way that they can repeat that experience over and over again, and repeatedly feel that emotion in their lives, even when they have healed the systemic origin of the difficulty that led them to experience it in the first place. Morphic fields liberate us when we can finally become aware of them and be grateful for them, or when we can become aware of them and be grateful for them, or when we can become aware of them.
Dr. Gariaev has discovered that DNA emits light, light that contains information and can be photographed. This light produces the hologram of the realised self, whatever stage of development it is in. In other words, our realised self accompanies us at all times, beyond time, and through it we receive instructions from our past to move towards our realised self. To see a short video, subtitled, about Dr. Gariaev’s discoveries, click here.
Brigitte Champetier has identified through the New Family Constellations that this laser-like light projection, this projecting hologram, is composed of two parts, an impeller that pushes us towards the realised self, and an attractor, the realised self that attracts us towards itself.
The representation of the hologram (in which our parents and ancestors are present, and which contains all the memory of our family system, and beyond, present in each of our cells) is very healing.
Gariaev and his team have also discovered that DNA emits sound, and that it has a linguistic structure, being encoded as a human language with its linguistic units (lexemes, morphemes…).
The way we speak to ourselves, which our subconscious takes as commands, is recorded in our DNA. During a constellation, healing phrases are recorded in the DNA creating new instructions that heal our life script* and lead us towards more life and a more adult, more conscious, more compassionate and more present state of self, able to flow with the choices that the universe presents us with towards greater peace and well-being.
*The life script is a concept developed by Eric Berne in the 1970s in the United States, comprises all the promises and decisions that a person makes unconsciously in the first years of life about what life will be like, moved by his great love for his elders, which leads him to take charge of things that do not correspond to him. The person will then dedicate his life more or less unconsciously to fulfilling this script, making decisions that will organise his life to lead him towards the chosen suffering or some fatal outcome, which he was looking for without knowing it. Each constellation heals and transforms our life script.
In the constellations that Brigitte Champetier has come to call ‘quantum constellations’, the movement of liberation that takes place in the constellation is achieved by the person’s ability to accept what life has brought to him or her, regardless of how his or her ancestors are.
These constellations are very powerful, and the healing movement happens very quickly. Spectacularly, too, when the seated participants also find themselves in that acceptance of what is. Their resonance, accompanied by very healing phrases that concisely express what the field and the representatives need to hear in order for the situation to progress towards that great release, or quantum leap, can bring about dramatic and very rapid changes in very hard circumstances and when representatives are very stuck during the constellation.
Why ‘quantum movement’? In the workshops we do exercises (short movements that, contrary to a constellation, do follow a protocol), in which, again, the capacity to surrender to what is there and the ability to decide, in our adult state, to respect the forces of love, initiate a healing process in the life of participants that in many cases can have the same effect as a constellation.
Whoever succeeds, in his or her adult state, in surrendering to what he has and to his life as it is, accepting uncertainty, does not need a constellation, because this immediately sets in motion the healing forces in his life. We could say that this attitude immediately puts us in a quantum dimension of possibility. It connects us with the wave (taking us out of ‘the particle’, as a metaphor and expression of the concrete reality of lower, denser and heavier vibration, which could be the one that entails difficulty for example; or ‘particle’ understood as the punctual materialisation of one of the possible realities for the being). This is what Brigitte Champetier has come to call ‘quantum attitude’ and explains in her book Las Fuerzas del Amor. Las Nuevas Constelaciones Familiares (only available in Spanish at the moment). We can feel that when we decide to have this attitude we immediately have strength.
We know that energy is wave energy, and that we are energy, our emotions are energy. The high part of a wave will soon be followed by a valley, which will be followed again by another rise. The lower we go, the higher we will go, and so on, always in an upward motion. The sooner we can surrender and nod to the valley, the sooner we get out of it; saying “yes” to our situation, as well as the smile, allow us to flow again, connecting us with the wave, with the field of all possibilities. Resistance and drama, on the other hand, bog us down, albeit for a limited time, for the energy needs to flow and soon something will happen (an illness, a difficulty) that will seek to pull us out.
In order for the leap of energy that allows it to move forward to occur (which makes light visible, for example), it is necessary the fusion of two opposing polarities that will produce the quantum leap forward. Thus, the constellation takes us towards that great quantum leap that enables the creation of something new, the great fusion: the creation of life itself that gives rise to a new being, for example.
Healing happens through reconciliation: the quantum leap that heals the conflict that caused the difficulty, the problem, the illness, the fight, the war, necessary for that future fusion that will lead all involved to a great quantum leap towards something new and better for all. Both polarities, or opposing positions, are at the service of that great reconciliation.
We observe that we cannot live (flow) and at the same time analyse life (control it), it is either one or the other, just as energy shows itself to the observer as either a wave or a particle, but not both.
By accepting uncertainty, we flow with the whole, with what our soul, or our hologram, our family system, something greater, wants for us; we allow things to reposition themselves and find their place, like dust that is placed in patterns with the vibration of sound in a cymatic experiment, changing, forming new mandalas as the frequency of vibration increases. Each mandala is a new opportunity presented to us by life, by Something Greater.
Getxo, Basque Country, Spain
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