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New Family Constellations

María Escribano del Moral


by Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, director of INSCONSFA

Madrid, December 2004

Contributions by Brigitte Champetier de Ribes to the field of Family Constellations created by Bert Hellinger

Table of Contents


  1. The Guide

From the Beginning





From the Beginning

From the Beginning

Began in 2005

Began in 2006

Began in 2008

Began in 2012

Began in 2015

Began in 2015

Began in 2023

2013, systematically since 2023


15. The Quantum Dimension of Life

Began in 2010

Began in 2013 

Began in 2016

Began in 2024

I feel deeply loyal to Bert Hellinger, and it has taken great courage for me to dare to assume my own autonomy. Not only loyal, but indebted. As he used to express, the best gratitude is to expand what one has received. The field of Family Constellations is very much alive. One sign for me that I am on the right path is that the new insights I receive not only increase the efficacy of Family Constellations but are also received by other constellators at the same time. Together, we advance this field.

How do these new insights come to me?

• In constellations, repeated manifestations from deeply centered representatives, which initially seem incongruent, bring important—and sometimes painful—messages (such as the need to move beyond the concept of the movement of the spirit).

• For the past few years, every morning, the Madrid team and I have been conducting movements and constellations guided by the theme the “guide” sets for us that day. Through these movements, we experience continuous growth, receiving new information daily. Specifically, we encounter unexpected, incomprehensible movements that repeat until we understand and integrate them into our constellations practice—sometimes taking days to decipher.

Here, I present an overview of the changes I have introduced to Bert Hellinger’s constellations method. I followed him closely for about ten years, from 2003 to 2013, and his hallmark was constant evolution and openness to the Field and new insights in every seminar. Every time I returned to Madrid, I would ask myself in confusion, “And now, what do I do? How do I do it?” I surrendered to my guide—there was no other way. The participants adapted with trust to each modification of the method, which consistently increased its efficacy.

I will now break down these changes, which seemingly diverge from Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations, explaining their origins and demonstrating that 14 out of the 18 changes introduced (nearly 80%) were simply materializations of Bert’s understandings. While these changes were already implicit in his teachings, his energy was more focused on deepening and growing rather than on their practical application. It is now up to those of us who follow him to concretize these ideas and remain open to the evolution of this ever-transforming field.

I want to emphasize that I have not strayed from Bert Hellinger but instead follow closely where he directed his gaze.

Let us remember these powerful statements:

• In response to the question, “Does the teacher begin as a student?” he replied, “The teacher was never a disciple; the disciple follows; the teacher sees.”

• Regarding the inner teacher, which I call the guide: “When one experiences something, they follow their inner teacher, even if it differs from what their master taught” (No Waves without the Ocean, 2001).

• “The adult does not believe, does not follow; they are their own master” (Del cielo que enferma y la tierra que sana, 2012).

The following are modifications introduced to the Family Constellations method, as developed by Bert Hellinger, organized by their importance rather than chronological order. The first four modifications to the “Hellinger model,” presented here, stem directly from the master’s philosophy, which he did not have time to implement. In my view, they are indispensable for conducting Family Constellations that respect both the client’s and the constellator’s family systems, while fostering improvements in both.

1. The Guide

From the beginning (1)

Bert Hellinger referred to “the force” as the indicator that showed him, he was in the adult state and in certainty. If a person was not “in their force,” he would ask them to sit down. For me, this “guide” has always been and still is the perception of this force.

I had been using my guide’s sensorimotor signals since my training in NLP, even before discovering Family Constellations. Biologists, since the 18th century, and modern neuroscientists describe this physiological signal as the instinctive purpose of a cell: the cell has only two movements—expansion and life when it moves toward its goal in service of its system, or contraction and death when it is obstructed from reaching that goal or mission.

I quickly confirmed the coherence of this presence in my life and integrated it into all my activities. This inner voice or intuition, accompanied by a sensory recognition characteristic of the Adult State, is a presence that knows. It is a physiological movement indicating whether we are moving toward the mission assigned to us. It is our personal connection to Something Greater, to the Creative Consciousness, and to the service expected of each of us; thus, it is also our highest frequency self.

Its role is to guide us to our greatest service, to the “Realized Self,” which has been present since conception (a discovery by Dr. Gariaev in the 1990s) (2).

In my opinion, anyone who does not practice dialogue with the guide, inner voice, teacher, or intuition should not conduct constellations.

2. The Assent

Bert often began his seminars by emphasizing the need to align with what exists -with Something Greater, its creation, and its love for all its creatures and everything as it is. He frequently used the word concordance, with profound reverence.

In early 2007, during several constellations, we observed the absence of an energy -a representative we could not identify used to state he or she was essential. We eventually understood it to represent the YES, the ASSENT of everything as it is. We then incorporated ASSENT -synonymous with concordance- into nearly every constellation as an indispensable energy/attitude on the part of the client.

Eventually, I identified it as the first Order of Love, the primary Force of Love.

3. The Autonomous Movement of Representatives

These two movements -the autonomous movements of representatives and participants-are highlighted because they represent the most fundamental change in constellation practice.

In 2010, Bert Hellinger acknowledged that it took him many years to understand the role of representatives. “Each representative is guided by the Movement of the Spirit” (Hellinger, 2010, The New Freedom).

A centered representative serves the movement of the spirit; no one can direct or instruct them on what to do or say. Bert Hellinger explained, “To do so would be a usurpation of the spirit’s role.”

I observed that this “usurpation” is experienced by Family Systems as a profound lack of respect toward the ancestors being represented -a disrespect that can have various negative consequences for the constellator and sometimes even for the representatives.

Representatives must be adequately prepared to center themselves sufficiently, allowing themselves to act without emotion or intention, from their centered adult state. Not everyone can be a representative. It is essential to transcend dramatics and psychodrama representation to reach systemic dynamics and phenomenology -free from dramatic emotions, intention, or words.

The proper centering of representatives is a sine qua non condition for the quality of a constellation. Conversely, a dramatic representative can harm the client through often unintentional manipulation.

The quality of a constellation depends on the constellator, the client, and the representatives’ degree of centering.

4. The Autonomous Movement of Participants

Bert did not have the opportunity to experiment with the autonomy of the participants, which I believe was primarily due to logistical reasons. By the time he realized that representatives had an autonomous movement guided by the movement of the spirit, he was no longer working with small groups where it is much easier to experiment with something new. Instead, he worked with large groups where most participants were strangers, and he did not allow them to come onto the stage.

However, I was able to observe and experience that centered participants are taken into the constellation from the very beginning, acting similarly to how they would in systemic exercises. Their movements and the information they feel or perceive help propel the constellation rapidly toward a solution, often in an unforeseen direction for the facilitator.

This introduces a new responsibility for the facilitator: to prepare the participants, guiding them into a state of centeredness and an adult attitude, ensuring that all present know how to act without emotion or intention (like a rag doll), and carefully monitoring their actions.

All participants are part of the constellation. Each participant represents someone or something for the Forces in motion—whether they are living, deceased, energies, parts of the client, or others in or outside the client’s system. If they allow it, all can be taken into service for the constellation. The facilitator does not need to specifically assign roles to the participants; instead, they trust that some of those present will naturally be drawn into service for the constellation. Indeed, some participants, deeply centered, will physically feel the need to get up and move to a specific part of the room. Those designated by the field are necessarily significant to the client’s issue.

It is helpful for the facilitator to consult their guide to determine if they can identify the role of some of these autonomously drawn representatives.

The facilitator must carefully monitor the centeredness of all representatives. If any are not centered, they cannot be allowed to participate. The quality of the constellation depends on this vigilance.

This autonomy of the participants also serves as a test of humility for the facilitator, who must trust the movements of the field.

The introduction of the following eight items also stems from a faithful reading of Bert Hellinger’s insights. However, they are not indispensable, though their presence significantly enhances the tool’s effectiveness.

5. Transactional Analysis as a Foundation for Family Constellations

From the Beginning
The tool developed by our teacher is deeply imbued with Transactional Analysis (TA), NLP, and psychoanalysis, such that understanding these disciplines allows for a greater comprehension of constellations as a liberating tool. Particularly, TA is remarkable for how easily people understand and assimilate it, especially in recognizing the Adult state, life script, and psychological games or manipulations. A basic education in TA serves as a life path toward fulfillment when fused with Family Constellations.

Bert Hellinger’s training in Transactional Analysis and his practice as an analyst enabled him to adopt Family Constellations as the ultimate therapy for Life Scripts, a key aspect of TA, though previously lacking adequate tools.

Additionally, Bert often referred to being in the Adult state rather than the Child, stating he could not constellate for those in the Child state. He quickly identified those who were playing psychological games. His critique of the “therapeutic relationship” stemmed from his TA-based understanding of the games that could infiltrate the therapist/client relationship if the therapist was not operating from the Adult state.

Both TA and Constellations are rooted in the same humanist philosophy: love, respect, and action in service of life. TA provides answers to the question: “Now that I’ve done my constellation, what do I do? How do I act?”

6. The Healing Sentence

From the Beginning
Bert Hellinger introduced the use of healing Sentences, and I systematized their application by integrating two perspectives (3): those of the New German Medicine of Dr. Hamer and those of Bert Hellinger.

That made possible to translate the representatives’ bodily, gestural, and spatial language into healing sentences, facilitating a deeper understanding of the phenomenology of any situation or symptom (4).

The power of the word has been empirically recognized and utilized since the advent of language. Now we can substantiate it scientifically.

Gariaev himself references the Bible, “the Word became flesh,” to express the depth of his 2011 discovery: the word is the code for vibratory DNA (98%), which in turn directs molecular protein-coding DNA (less than 2%). Thus, the human word creates molecular reality.

Words create reality. By speaking the appropriate word, homeostasis is restored, healing the symptom.

When a client explains the cause of their symptom, they often ignore this fact. If their interpretation were accurate, the suffering would have already disappeared. On the contrary, any supposed solution only reinforces the problem (as demonstrated by brief psychotherapies).

The Sentence heals either because it provokes an awakening or represents a challenge that disrupts the person’s archaic securities. For the word to have a creative and healing effect, the therapist must be deeply centered and completely phenomenological.

The experiments of Dr. Hamer’s New German Medicine, combined with my observations in constellations, led me to understand that every unresolved or unaccepted individual experience manifests in a part of the body, reflecting a blockage within the entire Family System.

One of the constellator’s primary tasks becomes discerning the Sentence the constellation needs to transform its archaic dynamic. The connection with the guide will reveal the one healing phrase possible at each moment—the phrase that speaks to every cell in the individual and to all their ties with the Family System.

The healing Sentence is the one the hologram (5) transmits to the Family genome, transmuting the genetic and systemic information for the entire family. By quantum entanglement -or teleportation- it benefits everyone. I noticed the power of the phrase when spoken in the client’s childhood language. Their DNA resonates deeply with the language of their ancestors, understanding it better and immediately fulfilling its message.

7. Systemic Exercises

Starting in 2005
Systemic and Phenomenology
Inspired by Bert Hellinger’s occasional use of systemic movements and exercises during his seminars, I systematized their use to present theory in a way that is experienced rather than learned. Through exercises, each person receives individualized information offered by the Field.

This makes dogmatism impossible, adhering to Bert Hellinger’s maxim: “Don’t believe me -experiment” and “Follow your guide, even if it tells you something different from what your teacher says” (No Waves Without the Ocean by Bert Hellinger).

A systemic exercise is a constellation reduced to its basic dynamic. It activates the same forces and has similar effects. However, since it is not personalized, the impact of these exercises is observed in approximately 70% of participants. The surprise was discovering that the effects of these exercises manifest almost immediately in the following days. If these movements have no effect, the individual will know they need a full constellation to address the issue.

As a result, I proposed a compendium of exercises, first on the website and later in a book. These exercises empower individuals to take responsibility for their growth and fulfillment, understand the systemic dimension of their lives, and address different aspects of their existence.

8. Illness: The Fusion of Hellinger and Hamer

Starting in 2006
Bert introduced the concept that illness reveals an excluded member, representing an exclusion that seeks reintegration through the symptoms’ lived experience. He particularly highlighted how rejecting the mother was the cause of cancers.

Building on the theory of Dr. Hamer and understanding that illness is a dual phenomenon, I was able to complete Bert Hellinger’s perspective: illness in its active phase reflects an excluder, while illness in the resolution phase reflects an excluded. The primary excluded figure is often the mother in physical illnesses and the father in mental illnesses. Additionally, all illnesses originate from unresolved biological conflicts.

These insights enable the constellation of any physical or mental symptom with good results, provided no other interfering factors are present.

9. Countertransference

Starting in 2008
Deepening my training of constellators and gradually understanding Bert Hellinger’s warnings about therapeutic malpractice, I introduced the monitoring of countertransference in constellators.

Bert Hellinger criticized the therapeutic relationship because of countertransference, which turns the constellator into a client of their client. This phenomenon puts the constellation at the service of the constellator rather than the client, preventing resolution and worsening the client’s condition, as well as that of their Family System. By the balance of giving and receiving, it also worsens the constellator’s condition and their Family System.

Countertransference is thus a dangerous phenomenon, difficult to detect and address. 

The Field continues to offer increasing clarity on countertransference. It is a great gift for the constellator if they recognize it and resist it, as it reveals blind spots that can be transformed into liberation.

Initially, I proposed the Mirror Constellation as a means to heal countertransference. Now, the presence of the Healing Force ensures the client is protected from any countertransference by their constellator.

10. Constellating Ability Does Not Depend on an Exam

Starting in 2012
Following by the book Bert Hellinger’s observations, I fully integrated the understanding that becoming a constellator is not something you study—it is something you live. It is a continuous process of growth guided by one’s inner guide or teacher, who informs the individual when they are ready to begin constellating.

With respect and caution, the constellator then begins their path of service.

The Adult does not believe in anyone but what they experience, guided by their own inner voice.

It is useful for trainers to propose a variety of exercises about what it means to be a constellator, the Orders of Help, certain aspects of TA, and dynamics of growth. These exercises help practicing or aspiring constellators periodically assess where they stand in their personal and professional evolution.

The capacity to constellate is something intimate: it is an experience lived in the privacy of the constellator and their guide. And the assessments of constellating capacity will allow each person to make a new evaluation of the quality of their service and to make decisions about how to improve.

11. Acknowledging the Harm Done to a Family System
Initiated in 2015

Focusing on Hellinger’s oft-repeated phrase, “Do not continue constellating this way; it is dangerous for you,” I began observing the effects of untrained constellators practicing spirit constellations on the family systems of their clients.

In some cases, the impact was devastating, including severe deterioration in the constellator’s life, even when they were unaware of the cause of this decline.

I proposed an exercise to reveal this phenomenon, allowing the constellator to discover that, due to the balance of giving and receiving, their own system was affected in the same way as the systems of their clients. The exercise involved a representation of three individuals: one person acts as themselves, another represents their family system, and a third represents the family systems of the clients or consultees they have worked with. The reactions of the systems are very clear, for better or worse.

From that moment, an evaluation and reparation process for constellators was proposed.

The main realization is the awareness of the constant presence of compensation, which will directly affect the constellator and their family. If I harm someone, even unintentionally, I will inevitably receive the compensation.

12. The Forces of Love (6) and New Family Constellations
Initiated in 2015

Following deep reflection on the essence of Bert Hellinger’s vision, dominated by alignment with what is and with something greater, I introduced the concept of a first order of love: unconditional acceptance of everything as it is.

Simultaneously, I became increasingly aware that many people do not understand the concept of Orders of Love, even more so after Hellinger’s assertion, “Order precedes love.” People confuse emotional love with greater love -the small “l” love with the capital “L” Love. For Bert, there was no such confusion, but for us, it exists.

Representing the Orders of Love repeatedly, I observed that they are true forces driving all movement. To provide greater clarity, and with much respect for Bert Hellinger, I decided to refer to these as Forces of Love instead of Orders of Love.

The concept of the movement of the spirit disappeared in 2011, forcing a new leap. For me, spirit constellations had been a great guiding principle, and I felt the need to reinforce my fidelity to Bert Hellinger by using the term New Family Constellations. For the Master, this was synonymous with Spirit Constellations ever since he introduced us to the movement of the spirit in 2004 (Hellinger, 2005).

When the term “New Constellations” began to feel exclusive, I decided to drop this adjective. I only wish to belong to the vast Field of Family Constellations as initiated by Bert Hellinger, open to everyone, without hierarchies.

13. Parallel Constellations
Initiated in 2023

“There is no individual solution. A solution is good for someone only if it is good for everyone,” Bert Hellinger said.

There is no individual healing. A solution is good for some only if it is good for many.

Since 2011, my guide has instructed me to introduce, in some constellations, a representative for the people who resonate with the client’s constellation.

The experience has shown that the constellation becomes much stronger when individuals with the same issue are included. Without interfering in the constellation, they benefit from the healing energies and movements. Observations indicate that these individuals heal even before the client.

In 2023, my guide ordered me (at times, it is quite insistent) to propose “parallel constellations” for attendees who share the client’s issue. These individuals stand up and position themselves so as not to interfere in the constellation. They do nothing but allow themselves to be moved. They report feeling in their bodies everything experienced in the client’s constellation, and at a certain point, they sense healing and move toward life. The number of people who can participate in parallel depends on the group size.

Parallel constellations heal through the forces moving the main constellation. Observations reveal that they reach healing before the client and, precisely at this moment, the parallel constellations emit healing energy that aids the conclusion of the client’s constellation. This is a beautiful example of the balance of giving and receiving, constantly in action.

Automatic balance and the permanent presence of homeostasis: the movements and phrases experienced in the client’s constellation are gifted to the parallel participants, who, in turn, return what they received as healing energy to the client.

These constellations address the limitation that only a few people can constellate during a session, while parallel constellations have no limits. We have had over fifty people successfully healing their issues in parallel to a single constellation.

14. A Representative for Those Unfamiliar with Constellations Who Need Them
2013, systematically since 2023

Continuing with Bert Hellinger’s understanding that others come first and that there is no individual solution, my guide occasionally requests a representative for all those who do not know constellations yet need this one.

About ten years ago, my guide already requested this presence for several months.

This representative participates in the constellation and sheds much light because, by definition, they share the same deep issue as the client. Sometimes, the issue is not immediately apparent, and this representative will guide us.

As in parallel constellations, the client does not heal until this representative has healed, which is often an interesting indicator for the constellator.

Additionally, this highlights the infinite reach of resonance within a constellation.


In the following and final group of innovations, we observe the arrival of new concepts and scientific knowledge that, at last, justify the workings of constellations, systemic principles, and phenomenology. Physics -particularly quantum mechanics- biology, genetics, epigenetics, and other fields contribute new understandings about life, validating the intuitions of constellations.

I experiment with the new knowledge that resonates with me, and when it proves coherent and compelling, I introduce it into constellations. By compelling, I mean that if the introduction of this new knowledge contributes to healing, I integrate it with the assent of my guide.

15. The Quantum Dimension of Life

Initiated in 2010

I began introducing the quantum dimension of life into constellations, receiving signs to continue this path. Representing “the quantum” on its own brings healing and new insights.

The knowledge of quantum mechanics -the duality serving the one, quantum leaps, information teleportation, entanglement, and resonance between people- gradually becomes inseparable from the effectiveness of Family Constellations as a tool.

16. Morphic Fields

Introduced in 2013

For several years, I observed the presence of representatives standing on a chair without being able to decipher their message, until I came to understand that they were representing the Morphic Fields described by Rupert Sheldrake. These are fields of memory encompassing everything that is experienced in a specific way, such as anger, joy, certain behaviors, or particular reactions. These fields retain the full energy of the corresponding people or events and create a very powerful resonance for individuals who vibrate in alignment with those fields.

When a person is caught in a morphic field, they are no longer able to see reality. All their energy, mind, and decisions are controlled by the field, and they will do everything possible to remain part of it, even if it is extremely painful. The person is not aware that their actions are perpetuating this suffering.

This realization marked a significant breakthrough in understanding life and the limiting dynamics that entrap us.

Both Bert Hellinger and Rupert Sheldrake believed it was impossible to escape a morphic field. They argued that only a movement of the spirit could transform such a resonant field. When the concept of the movement of the spirit -a movement of Greater Healing Love- disappeared, we discovered that a human being could merge with this Greater Healing Love when they are in honor, gratitude, and surrender to everything as it is.

In this state, they can transform their dependence on morphic fields, simultaneously metamorphosing the limiting morphic field that had entrapped them.

17. The Genetic Hologram
Initiated in 2016

In the 1990s, Russian bio geneticist Piotr Gariaev discovered, under nearly clandestine conditions, the nature of socalled “junk DNA” (over 98% of the genome). Simultaneously wave and particle, molecule and wave, this DNA emits light and sound to guide the organism’s adaptation toward its purpose, directing the protein-coding portion (less than 2%) that American scientists had managed to decode during that era.

The photons of this 98% of DNA emit the image of the adult being toward which all the genetic information of the individual is oriented. These genes use human language as their code.

The electromagnetic field of morphogenetic resonance, which guides the evolution of cells toward a specific being as described by Sheldrake, was finally captured and represented as the hologram of wave-based DNA. This hologram represents the complete image of the realized being emitted by every part of the individual.

The image emitted by the photons is three-dimensional and constantly in motion, integrating every moment of the present across the entire universe. To my great surprise, I experienced that this image achieves harmony when fused with the Forces of Love.

Gariaev referred to this as the image of the realized Self, the Self-fulfilling its mission.

This was a groundbreaking realization.

Each being, animal, plant, and evolving element has a predestined mission -a mission in service of the Collective Destiny, which for humans involves service to their Family System and the larger systems to which they belong (country, religion, era, etc.).

The great surprise was realizing that the hologram and the realized Self reach their zenith when we respect the Forces of Love (acceptance, respect, inclusion, and compensation). This respect allows us to heal ourselves and simultaneously heal our morphogenetic field. We then live as the realized being of our Family System, with the hologram becoming a healing force for the present.

The representation of the hologram serves a dual purpose. On one hand, it acts as a “GPS,” showing the individual -and specifically the constellator- the path toward their mission in service of their Family System and the collective destiny. On the other hand, it acts as an attractor toward more life. Philosophers and scientists of the 20th century discussed the necessity of an attractor -this is it! It resides within us, exists from conception, and accompanies us throughout our lives. It draws us toward life.

In constellations, the representation of the hologram is often a valuable aid for the constellator. Frequently, a representative may unintentionally represent it in one of two ways: as an attractor from life, inviting the client’s representative to move toward life; or as standing behind the client’s representative, initially reflecting all the client’s symptoms, before emerging as a force of life and healing that accompanies the client. In such cases, it becomes clear that this is the client’s hologram.

We have observed that an illness or incongruent behavior can be corrected by exposing the representative of the person or symptom to a healing phrase and/or their own hologram, particularly in the case of children.

The holographic presence of the best version of ourselves exists before our conception and draws us toward our realization. Each time we are present and in our Adult state, we connect with this hologram. Every moment of feeling fulfillment is a brief fusion with our highest vibrational dimension—our realized Self.

18. The Healing Force
Initiated in 2024

In 2024, we were repeatedly shown, insistently, the necessity of representing the Healing Force within a constellation. This involved representing the healing energy that permeates the constellation. We then realized that this energy emanates equally from the constellator and the client. This energy is at its peak when both are in unconditional acceptance of everything as it is.

The constellator must be in unconditional acceptance of everything for the Healing Force to allow the constellation to proceed. The Healing Force senses in its body the state of the constellator. It serves as a great protection for the client. If the Healing Force is not in harmony, the constellator is unavailable and should not begin the constellation, as they are initiating a countertransference.

Before the constellation begins, the representative of this force will feel in their body whether they perceive a maximum sense of lightness, indicating that the constellator is in the “Yes.” When this lightness is confirmed, the Healing Force gives the green light for the constellator to proceed.

The gaze of this representative becomes the guide of the constellation. The constellator and client need only observe and, if necessary, “work” on whatever the Healing Force is focusing on. Much like the movement of the spirit in earlier years, the constellator is guided by “the Force that knows.”

The constellation becomes quicker and more powerful. All hypotheses and protocols are completely eliminated with the presence of this force. The constellator relinquishes their role as orchestra conductor, requiring great humility and an acute perception of what a specific ancestor, seemingly insignificant, may need -an ancestor identified by the Healing Force.

A well-trained and centered representative will be chosen to embody this Healing Force. They will position themselves so that the constellator can see their gaze, which serves as the constellator’s compass.

Indeed, the Healing Force is entirely impersonal and devoid of emotion. It grows with every movement and phrase within the constellation. Representatives of this force report it as a surprising and wonderful experience. It is pure love for everything, pure inclusion, and an awareness of what is missing for love and healing to expand throughout the room and beyond.

The representative of the Healing Force transforms into pure observation. They see only where intervention is needed, where love is absent, and once the intervention has occurred, their gaze shifts elsewhere. Finally, they indicate through their posture that everything is well.

This representation teaches us to be fully phenomenological, allowing ourselves to be guided only by the forces of the field, not by memories of similar cases. It shows us the necessity of releasing one movement and quickly moving to the next. It reveals what is most excluded.

Its gaze extends beyond the constellation, encompassing all present, including parallel constellations if applicable, and stretches far beyond -to the entire world and the universe. It knows no bounds; it is the presence of love from something greater.

This representation provides great security to the constellation, the constellator, and their client. It prevents countertransference because, should the constellator unknowingly begin to be overtaken by their own story, the Healing Force will focus on the constellator for as long as necessary to dissipate the incipient countertransference.

Naturally, this requires substantial systemic knowledge from the constellator to interpret each gaze of the Healing Force, as well as significant humility. At any moment, a countertransference in the constellator may be revealed to the entire group.

This is the latest gift bestowed upon us by the Field of Family Constellations.

We remain in motion, sharing what has been received -it is for everyone.

All together in service to life!
Madrid, December 2024

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