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Family Constellations with the transformative power of Brigitte Champetier de Ribes' Method

María Escribano del Moral

One on One and Group Sessions

Training on Family Constellations with the transformative power of the BChR Method

Systemic Exercises devised by Brigitte Champetier de Ribes (free resource)

ONLINE Family Constellation and Systemic Exercise Sessions in English

  • Brigitte Champetier de Ribes´Method (BChR Method)
  • Guided systemic Exercises
  • Constellations upon reservation
  • Questions to the Field, when adequate, so as to experience the answer of Love in Action

The purpose of these sessions is to facilitate participants´ autonomy

in their healing and personal growth journey

These sessions will also be an opportunity to learn more about

the embodied language of the Field and increase our perception.

Price to participate per person and session: €25

Price to constellate at the session: €65

The sessions will go ahead regardless of number of participants, and duration will vary accordingly (max. 3 hours). You can participate at either one, more than once, or at all the sessions, as you wish.

Facilitator: María Escribano del Moral, Specialist in New Family Constellations by INSCONSFA.


January 8 & 22

February 5 & 19

March 5 & 19

  • Guided systemic Exercises
  • Constellations upon reservation
  • Questions to the Field, when adequate, so as to experience the answer of Love in Action


January 8 & 22

February 5 & 19

March 5 & 19

The purpose of these sessions is to facilitate participants´ autonomy

in their healing and personal growth journey

These sessions will also be an opportunity to learn more about

the embodied language of the Field and increase our perception.

Price to participate per person and session: €25

Price to constellate at the session: €65

The sessions will go ahead regardless of number of participants, and duration will vary accordingly (max. 3 hours). You can participate at either one, more than once, or at all the sessions, as you wish.

Facilitator: María Escribano del Moral, Especialist in New Family Constellations by INSCONSFA.




  • Health approached through Family Constellations merged with the insights of Dr Hamer´s New German Medicine -Brigitte Champetier de Ribes’ Method (BChR Method).
  • Experiential course/workshop that includes Theory, Systemic Exercises to continue growing and healing, and Constellations of participants as led by the field.
  • Course notes sent to you before the course/workshop.
  • Mentored by the Family Constellations Institute Brigitte Champetier de Ribes (INSCONSFA)
  • Counts toward the training to become a certified Specialist in Family Constellations, Brigitte Champetier de Ribes’ Method by INSCONSFA

Facilitator: María Escribano del Moral, Specialist in New Family Constellations by INSCONSFA and Certified Trainer Candidate of the Institute.


February 15 & 16

Time: 17:00 – 20:30 CET on both days


€100 (for the whole 7 hour course/workshop)

Family Constellations are a tool and a means to:

  • heal and resolve the difficulties that arise in different areas of our lives, the resolution of conflict and the improvement of our life in all its aspects (the professional area included, as well as companies and organizations, our mental and physical health, and issues related to relationships of any kind) -every time you heal something in your life, ancestors heal and find peace, future generations will not have to carry the burden you´ve released, and all the people, thousands, in your level of resonance, are healed thanks to you; their gratitude will materialise in your life in the form of greater wellbeing and abundance.
  • getting to know the deep dynamics that operate in social relationships at all levels (very useful for psychologists, sociologists, managers, politicians and other social agents, as well as individuals who wish to understand the world they live in);
  • self-knowledge and personal growth by guiding our everyday life according to the deep principles, that is, the Forces of Love (orders of love as Hellinger called them), that Family Constellations reveal to us, which lead to a continued enhancement of our lives. Through family constellations, we become oriented towards success, health, abundance, professional realisation; our relationships with others and our environment improve, harmony is achieved in the family, our romantic relationship improves, and we discover deep happiness that lasts through unconditional love. We become more compassionate and more human, and a real asset for Humanity.


A Universal heart beats in my chest

What is the procedure at the session?

By means of phenomenological representative techniques, dropping all thought and intention, and just focusing on our body sensations, recollected, in a kind of meditative state, allowing the movements that come to us unfold, the non visible information needed to see the underlaying dynamics of an issue comes to light, and with it, a movement towards its solution, which continues forward well after the constellation session is over.

There is no psychodrama in this new form that Bert Hellinger initiated in 2005,  there is hardly any talking, and movements are slow, the movement that unfolds has a deep reach and is powerful. Its effects may be spectacular. Yet we need to remember that deep changes take time to show, and the longer the issue has been with us, the longer results may take. Interestingly, the less we understand at a constellation, the more powerful it is and the greater its effect. 

These are quantum constellations, working at the level of the energy that is at the heart of everything, no thinking is required, only feeling and acceptance of whatever manifests through the body, which is connected to All. 

Family Constellations are no substitute for medical treatment or the advice of other specialists. Clients, as adults, assume the responsibility of their choices and actions.

According to Bert Hellinger family constellations “… are a sacred map, an order.  And order always moves forward. If I become disordered, there is no future there, there is no space for dreams there.

But why do I become disordered? I become disordered because of blind love, a love without order, and there I get lost. Then family constellations are the channel to find myself again, and in that encounter I am able to display endless possibilities.  In family constellations I recover myself again and give back to myself the joy of living.” Bert Hellinger, November 2017.

Family Constellations by Brigitte Champetier

What are family constellations?

“The reply to that question is so complicated that I usually say to people: ‘Attend a constellation and then you will understand!’

Briefly, it is a technique that is not new and that consists in representing people, and by means of this representation, what is invisible, unconscious, emerges; something that causes us to act in a particular way in our everyday lives. Then, thanks to what we can observe, we can understand the forces that move us even though we think that it is us alone who decide our moves, yet ending up in conflicts.

In this way we discover presences, such as the presence of the past. The influence of all what took place before is still here with us, influencing our decisions, our emotions… often in a positive manner, and we don’t realise it, but sometimes it leads us to a conflict that has no solution unless we reveal that past.” Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, Interview, January 2014

What are family constellations?

“The reply to that question is so complicated that I usually say to people: ‘Attend a constellation and then you will understand!’

Briefly, it is a technique that is not new and that consists in representing people, and by means of this representation, what is invisible, unconscious, emerges; something that causes us to act in a particular way in our everyday lives. Then, thanks to what we can observe, we can understand the forces that move us even though we think that it is us alone who decide our moves, yet ending up in conflicts.

In this way we discover presences, such as the presence of the past. The influence of all what took place before is still here with us, influencing our decisions, our emotions… often in a positive manner, and we don’t realise it, but sometimes it leads us to a conflict that has no solution unless we reveal that past.” Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, Interview, January 2014


You are welcomed to submit your testimonial, if you wish, knowing that it will be of great help to many others, in the service of Life.

Systemic Exercises

These are healing exercises created by Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, disciple of Bert Hellinger. They are systemic movements with a protocol, unlike constellations, yet they may often substitute a constellation due to their efficacy.

They often merge the systemic dimension with Neurolinguistic Programming for its great effectiveness.

These exercises may be undertaken leaving ten days in between, or more, and always testing beforehand whether it is appropriate to undertake them (by means of muscle testing, a pendulum, or other means you may have). With them a powerful tool for healing and personal growth becomes available to you, so you may become more autonomous, taking the rinds of your life. 

A certain level of experience representing at family constellations is required. Please note that these exercises are a kind of deep meditation. Thus, the movements are very slow, far from psychodrama, and never emerging from our personal intention, but by another force that moves us. Also, we are not supposed to ever speak in representation of someone else at this kind of work, since it would be an intrusion, but we can do so when we are representing ourselves. 

Quantum Systemic Consulting

The efficacy of Family Constellations with the BChR Method at the Service of Business Success for Companies and Organizations

Real Estate Constellations

Online Workshops, Courses and Individual Sessions

  • 3 hour workshops where  some of the participants have their constellation done as led by the field. At these workshops we also do systemic exercises to heal different aspects of our life. Family Constellations are healing for everyone present and those who resonate with them wherever they are.

Courses to deepen your knowledge of family constellations and the life forces and dynamics that underlie our relationships with the others, the world and the universe. You will experience them with different exercises that will initiate movements of healing in your life at the same time.

These courses are mentored by the Family Constellations Institute Brigitte Champetier de Ribes (INSCONSFA) and belong to the Training to become a certified Specialist in New Family Constellations by the Institute.

  • Individual, private, 1:1 online live sessions by videoconferencing, wherever you are.
  • Also onsite private sessions in Bilbao (The Basque Country, Spanish State).

“All rivers go into the sea

because the sea is at a lower level.

Humility grants it its power”

Tao Te Ching

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