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New Family Constellations

María Escribano del Moral

What are Family Constellations?

“The reply to that question is so complicated that I usually say to people: ‘Attend a constellation and then you will understand!’

Briefly, it is a technique that is not new and that consists in representing people, and by means of this representation, what is invisible, unconscious, emerges; something that causes us to act in a particular way in our everyday lives. Then, thanks to what we can observe, we can understand the forces that move us even though we think that it is us alone who decide our moves, yet ending up in conflicts.

In this way we discover presences, such as the presence of the past. The influence of all what took place before is still here with us, influencing our decisions, our emotions… often in a positive manner, and we don’t realise it, but sometimes it leads us to a conflict that has no solution unless we reveal that past.” Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, Interview, January 2014

“The reply to that question is so complicated that I usually say to people: ‘Attend a constellation and then you will understand!’

Briefly, it is a technique that is not new and that consists in representing people, and by means of this representation, what is invisible, unconscious, emerges; something that causes us to act in a particular way in our everyday lives. Then, thanks to what we can observe, we can understand the forces that move us even though we think that it is us alone who decide our moves, yet ending up in conflicts.

In this way we discover presences, such as the presence of the past. The influence of all what took place before is still here with us, influencing our decisions, our emotions… often in a positive manner, and we don’t realise it, but sometimes it leads us to a conflict that has no solution unless we reveal that past.” Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, Interview, January 2014

They are a sacred map, an order.  And order always moves forward. If I become disordered, there is no future there, there is no space for dreams there.

But why do I become disordered? I become disordered because of blind love, a love without order, and there I get lost. Then family constellations are the channel to find myself again, and in that encounter I am able to display endless possibilities.  In family constellations I recover myself again and give back to myself the joy of living.” Bert Hellinger, November 2017.


‘Hello Marie,
I am writing to tell you how my life has changed so much since I had the family constellation in Limerick.
If you remember I have 7 sisters and a brother, … and had insane boundary issues to be sorted out. My boundary issues were so complex I would have to take on the negligence of my engineer working with my solicitor … Anyways, there was 14 issues to be sorted out. Nearly everything was sorted in my favour … It is so unreal that so many issues just faded away. My siblings issues are also gone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.’ 

From N.F., November 22, 2015 (the constellation took place in April 2014).

Systemic Exercises

These are healing exercises created by Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, disciple of Bert Hellinger. They are systemic movements with a protocol, unlike constellations, yet they may often substitute a constellation due to their efficacy.

They often merge the systemic dimension with Neurolinguistic Programming for its great effectiveness.

These exercises may be undertaken leaving ten days in between, or more, and always testing beforehand whether it is appropriate to undertake them (by means of muscle testing, a pendulum, or other means you may have). With them a powerful tool for healing and personal growth becomes available to you, so you may become more autonomous, taking the rinds of your life. 

A certain level of experience representing at family constellations is required. Please note that these exercises are a kind of deep meditation. Thus, the movements are very slow, far from psychodrama, and never emerging from our personal intention, but by another force that moves us. Also, we are not supposed to ever speak in representation of someone else at this kind of work, since it would be an intrusion, but we can do so when we are representing ourselves. 

Online Workshops and Courses

  • 3-4 hour workshops where  some of the participants have their constellation done as led by the field. At these workshops we also do systemic exercises to heal different aspects of our life. Family Constellations are healing for everyone present and those who resonate with them wherever they are.
  • Individual sessions via Zoom or any other online videoconferencing platform of your choice.

Coming soon: Courses to deepen your knowledge of family constellations and the life forces and dynamics that underlie our relationships with the others, the world and the universe. You will experience them with different exercises that will initiate movements of healing in your life at the same time. These courses will be mentored by the Family Constellations Institute Brigitte Champetier de Ribes and belong to the Training on New Family Constellations Specialist delivered by the Institute.

“All rivers go into the sea

because the sea is at a lower level.

Humility grants it its power”

Tao Te Ching

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